Call It Racism
Racism exists on our campus and in our society. Call it what it is and reject it in all its forms. We stand united against racism.
GCU is dedicated to eradicating racism and racial inequalities in our University community, structures and systems. We recognise that institutional racism is a structural and not an individual issue. We are taking a whole institution approach involving our students, staff and stakeholders.

Report and Support
If you experience or see racism at GCU, please report it immediately at Report & Support. You can submit a report anonymously.
Read moreOffensive questions, stereotypes and behaviour have a lasting impact on individuals, affecting their mental health, career progression and overall welfare. Racism is also a structural and systematic problem within our University and society.
Challenge Racist Behaviour
Racist behaviour can be as subtle as a change in tone or choice of words. That doesn’t make it any less harmful. Higher educational institutions are systematically racist and many black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students have felt excluded, harassed or physically unsafe on this campus. It’s time to challenge racism and demand a better university experience for all.
Change Racist Structures
We need to challenge racism at every level. From policy changes to fair representation, targeted training programmes and disciplinary action, tackling racism should be a top priority in all institutional processes.
Call racism out for what it is. It’s time to take a stand.
Staff can access a range of training, resources and further information on our dedicated Tackling Racism at GCU SharePoint site.