GCU puts the student learning experience at the heart of everything that we do. On this part of our website, we will provide you with resources and guidance on how to learn and study at GCU.

GCU Go is a set of resources that you can use to support your learning throughout your academic journey. The resources are organised under headings to help you know what to access at different times, but of course, everyone is individual and we understand that you may need different things at different stages. So, please just treat the following headings as a guide.

The two headings are:

Get prepared

Resources under the ‘get prepared’ heading should help you to get started with your learning. You might want to start with these resources to help you get orientated.

Get engaged and get going

Resources under the ‘get engaged and get going’ heading should help you to engage with and make the most of your learning as you progress through your learning experience.

GCU Go includes guides, resources and services that will help you to make the most of your learning at GCU.

New GCU undergraduate learner transition tool

Access the new interactive  GCU undergraduate learner transition tool which helps you to explore the ways you are expected to develop as you progress through your programme. Explore the prompt and review questions to identify your current skills and competencies and where you need to be.

GCU Learn

GCU Learn is the University’s online learning platform. This section of GCU Go helps you navigate GCU Learn and the tools within it.

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Getting started

This section will help you to get started with your learning journey.


Online learning tools

The University provides a variety of online tools to aid your learning.

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Academic integrity

This section of GCU Go aims to raise awareness of resources to help you to be successful in your online assessments, while maintaining your academic integrity.

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Your wellbeing

This section of GCU Go provides you with the tools you'll need to help maintain your wellbeing online and have a safe, secure virtual environment as you study.

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Personal tutoring

This section of GCU Go introduces you to the role of the personal tutor and signposts resources that can help you to engage with personal tutor meetings.

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GCU is committed to supporting you to engage with an accessible, inclusive online learning environment.

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Learning Development Centres

Each School in the University has a Learning Development Centre (LDC) which provides academic writing support for home and international students, ICT support, advice on study skills and other academic support and guidance.

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