Research Celebration

Showcasing our research is a vital part of Glasgow Caledonian's role as a civic university and we invite all colleagues to attend a workshop to share ideas on how we might best do that in the future.

With the arrival of a new Vice-Chancellor in Professor Steve Decent, now is the ideal opportunity to pause and reflect on how we might maximise the impact we have in celebrating our research and how we best present it to our many stakeholders.

Professor Anita Simmers, co Vice-Chancellor Research, invites not just the University's research community, but all colleagues, to join her at a workshop in the Lantern, on Thursday, May 18, 10am-11.30am, to be part of these discussions. A breakfast roll and coffee will be provided.

Register here

Colleagues are then invited to attend the Three Minute Thesis at 12pm-1.30pm, which will be introduced by Professor Decent, who will present his own aspirations on growing the strength and diversity of our research and innovation portfolio.

Register here

Postgraduate research study

Be part of our world-class research. Enjoy supervision and support from the award-winning Graduate School and earn Master's, PhDs, or Professional Doctorates.

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