Meet The Officer: Priscilla Otuagoma, Vice President of the Glasgow School of Business and Society
Newly appointed Vice President of GSBS Priscilla Otuagoma has now started her post as Full Time Officer, after being elected in the 2021 Student’s Association elections.
We spoke to Priscilla about her plans as Full Time Officer and her excitement about starting the role:
Firstly, how do you feel about being elected as VP GSBS?
“EXCITED and PRIVILEGED. Excited because I get to be a part of something big and influential, and privileged because I get to serve as I have always wanted to.”
What aspect of the role excites you the most?
“The part where I get to have as much positive impact in the lives of students as I can.”
What will you bring to the role of VP GSBS?
“Student Representation. I look forward to representing the interests of GSBS students, to improve their students’ experience at all levels.”
What did you study at GCU?
“Still studying International Human Resource Management (PGT).”
What do you miss most about life at GCU pre COVID-19?
“Well, I haven’t experienced life outside of COVID in GCU. Really looking forward to it.”
What did you always want to be when you grew up?
“Growing up, I wanted to be a doctor because I don’t like seeing people in pain but alas I can’t stand the sight of blood. Anyways, I am now a proud HR and I still get to help people, which is what I always look forward to.”
Favourite film/TV show?
Favourite food?
“Jollof rice and grilled turkey.”
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
“Paris. I hear it is beautiful.”
By Rachael McAlonan
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