By subject - Social Work

Title Code Level Credits Subject School
Dissertation MML526328 M 60.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Direct Practice 1 M3L530683 3 60.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Introducing Social Work M1L522639 1 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Direct Practice 1 M3L524901 3 40.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Direct Practice Two MHL530353 H 60.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Sociology for Social Work M1L526321 1 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Social Work Research and Evidence MML526327 M 15.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Social Justice Values and Ethics M1L522636 1 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Exploring Self and Human Agency M1L522637 1 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Making Professional Identity MML522782 M 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Advanced Social Work Skills MML526750 M 30.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Theory and Skills for Social Work MML526324 M 15.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Social Work Law and Policy MML526326 M 15.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Social Policy for Social Work: Critical Perspectives M1L524881 1 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Borders, Culture and Environment in a Globalising World MML526325 M 15.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Re-orientation to Learning and Leadership MML526413 M 30.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Leadership and Design Thinking MMB523659 M 30.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Judgement and Decision Making MMB526414 M 30.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Making Professional Identity MML527186 M 15.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Direct Practice 2 MHL522669 H 40.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Coaching in a Systematic Context MMB523661 M 30.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Supervised Direct Practice 2 MML522783 M 60.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Working with Risk M2L522644 2 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Working with Law and Ethics in Practice M3L522668 3 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences
Empowering Practice M3L524265 3 20.0 Social Work School of Health and Life Sciences