Recordings of lectures by disabled students

For some students, audio or video recording will be recommended as a reasonable adjustment to address the disabling impact of a long term condition or impairment on e.g. note taking or concentration.

Where the recommendation is that a disabled student audio record their lectures, this recommendation will be recorded within a Recommended Adjustments Page (RAP). It is assumed under the terms of the 'Inclusive & Accessible Learning & Teaching Checklist', part of the FAIR Curriculum, that the student will be permitted to do so, and where a RAP makes this recommendation, it is also assumed that they do not have to explicitly seek permission from individual staff members prior to making such recordings.

Where the recommendation is that lectures are video recorded, further guidance regarding appropriate arrangements will always be provided by the Disability Team.

The GCU Disability Team have also produced guidance for on recording lectures on your computer.

If a member of staff were to withhold permission for a disabled student to audio record, it is likely that the student would be placed at a substantial disadvantage, and that this action would constitute unlawful discrimination under the terms of the Equality Act 2010.

If a member of staff does withhold permission to record, that member of staff has a duty to seek an alternative (equally effective and practical) means of ensuring that any disabled student is not disadvantaged. In these rare circumstances, the member of staff is encouraged to contact the Disability Team for advice at