NESSIE (NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland Initiative)

An Evidence Synthesis Group (ESG) has been established across four universities in Scotland and North East England (Edinburgh, Glasgow Caledonian, Stirling and Newcastle) in order to meet the aim of producing and disseminating timely, high quality and impactful evidence syntheses across a wide range of topics relevant to health care, public health and social care. These topics are applicable to end users across all four nations of the UK. This is done by combining methodological, topic and PPI expertise from a number of existing and highly successful evidence synthesis teams and PPI groups co-located within our institutions, with strong, established links to wider networks of experts and end-users of evidence from across the UK.

This is a five-year (2023-2028) programme funded by the NIHR.

Dr Julie Cowie is a member of the systematic review team and brings her experience in systematic reviewing and research into implementation and sustainability of interventions to the team.

Further information can be found on the project website.