The PECOS purchase-to-pay (P2P) eProcurement system is a well-established, robust and user-friendly interface which integrates directly with the University Oracle finance system.

Using PECOS P2P the university is able to reduce the paperwork and inefficiencies associated with paper processing of purchase requisitions, purchase orders, goods receipts, invoices, and returns.

We are also able to increase compliance and accountability for spend through the use of: contract catalogue content published and managed by the sector Centre of Expertise, APUC; flexible workflows and business rules which drive procurement controls, multi-level electronic routing, management of approvals and tracking of spend against budgets.


There are two user roles within PECOS:

  • Requisitioner - the person who raises the orders, and
  • Approver - the person who signs off the order

Each user can only fulfil one of these roles within the system, in order to comply with audit requirements. Requisitioners are nominated by their departments to raise orders within PECOS. Approvers are chosen from the Scheme of Delegation that is set out and held by Management Accounting.

PECOS Training

Training for requisitioners and approvers is essential before using PECOS. We recommend that training is undertaken within the school/department, as current requisitioners have the best knowledge of the specific purchasing procedures. Details on how to approve or reject orders can be found in the PECOS User Guide.

Addition of a New User to PECOS

This form should be completed when a new user is to be added to PECOS as a requisitioner or an approver.

Pecos User Details

PECOS users are reminded that they do not log in to the system using their Domain username and password. The usernames are set up as follows: gcu(first initial)(second name) for example. gcujrobertson2. All characters are lower case and please be aware if you are not a unique name within the University.

If you have forgotten your password, there is a reset password link, however the email will only be received if you have entered your username correctly. If you are still having issues with the reset password link, open up PECOS in a fresh browsing session and retry the ‘forgot your password’ link.

PECOS Support Team can be contacted on

Approval Delegation

This form should be used when a user wishes to delegate approval tasks to another member of staff for a certain period of time.

Contact Us

PECOS Support
Tel: +44 141 331 8620