
The University is publicly accountable for all of its expenditure (including reimbursement of expenses) and is required to comply with Glasgow Caledonian University's financial policies and regulations. It is therefore vital that all claimants and approvers familiarise themselves with the University’s Expenses Policy and are fully aware of their responsibilities in the claim process.

Staff, students and externals engaged in University business who incur expenses will be reimbursed as per agreement with the University and appropriate approval from an authoriser.

In the interests of value for money and the appropriate use of public funds, claimants are expected to be prudent in their spending and delegated authorisers, as per the Delegated Authority Policy, are expected to be diligent in their review and approval of expenses.

Expense claims for staff must be made using Oracle iExpenses and non-staff expense claims should be made using the Expenses Claim Form –  all claims must be approved by a delegated authoriser. Receipts must be provided to account for each item of expenditure. Non-attachment of receipts may mean that items are disallowed from the claim reimbursement.  All reimbursements will be paid by BACS into a UK bank account as per the payment dates below:

Expenses reimbursement calendar 2024

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