The STEAM Fund was established in 2019 with a founding gift from graduate and honorary graduate Dr Douglas Dawson, to help widen access and diversity into Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths related programmes at Glasgow Caledonian.  Each year the Fund is given a boost via our Industry Prize Donors who contribute a further £250, or more, on top of their annual student award.

Through scholarships and outreach we want to encourage pupils from all sections of society to consider a STEAM career. Each year the University dedicates staff time and funding to help widen access and inclusivity to the sector via projects including:

  1. Primary Engineer - bringing engineering and engineers into primary classrooms and curriculum.
  2. Smart STEMs: raising aspirations and promote career options among 11 to 14 year olds.
  3. Teachers day: helping teachers in their science and technology teaching.
  4. STEAM careers days in schools promoting the exciting range of careers available.
  5. Inspire and Headstart Programmes with the Engineering Development Trust – three-day residential programmes for girls and boys aged 15 – 17 years.

This year, thanks to our generous prize donors, a further £5,000 has been raised, providing vital funds that will significantly enhance the work already being undertaken by the School to encourage a more diverse and inclusive talent pipeline.

This year’s support will once again be directed to the STEAM Summer Camp, an inspiring three-day residential programme targeted at pupils in S4 and S5.  Providing unique opportunities to learn about STEAM disciplines and develop problem solving skills, pupils will also participate in practical workshops on how to build a bridge and program a vehicle.

This funding will allow us to offer significantly more places to pupils at partner schools within the University’s flagship outreach programme, the Caledonian Club, who partner with communities in Glasgow where there is low or no uptake to higher education.

Details of the impact made through this funding will be presented at the School of Engineering and Built Environment Annual Celebration and Prizegiving Ceremony.

To find out more about the STEAM Fund, or others way to support and engage with our students, and the University, contact the GCU Foundation via