Student societies

Students can join a wide range of societies with a focus on the Common Good, such as fundraising for a local charity. Participation in student societies can provide an opportunity to develop the following Common Good attributes:

  • Active and global citizenship
  • Confidence
  • Entrepreneurial mind-set
  • Responsible leadership

What’s involved?

Students can join a wide range of societies based on an area of interest - for example, their degree subject, hobbies or charity work. They can then organise and take part in events with fellow society members or move into committee member positions.

How will participating in this activity/opportunity allow students to make a positive difference in the communities that we serve?

Many of our societies are focused on charity work and are embracing GCU’s culture of social innovation by delivering services to the community. For example, the Radiography Society fundraises each year for local charities through bake sales and raffles. It has also worked with the Glasgow Science Centre to educate children about radiography.

What are the benefits of taking part in this activity/opportunity for participating students?

Joining a society is a great way to meet new people who share similar interests. Participating students may also have the opportunity to network with professionals, develop confidence, engage with activities run by the society and learn, for example, how to manage budgets, organise events and promote memberships.