Student Carers Stories

Feedback from student carers has indicated that it would be helpful to include student carer stories on our web pages to help illustrate their experiences.

This could be helpful to other students who may not yet have identified as carers or reached out for support. It could also help staff to have a better understanding of the challenges student carers face, and what kind of things they can do to make a difference.

What could I include?

If you would be interested in sharing your story, these are some of the things you might want to consider including. This is just to help give you an idea, please feel free to tell your story your way.

  • When did you first recognise that you were a carer?
  • How did you find out about support for student carers?
  • What has been challenging for you as a carer at university?
  • What has been helpful to you?
    • This could include things you have learned to do to make things a bit easier for yourself. Do you have any tips for other student carers/applicants?
    • It would also be useful to know what other people have done that has been helpful (this could include any staff member, student or practice educator)
    • What could everyone (staff and students) be doing to be more inclusive of student carers?
    • What you would like to say to a student carer who is new to GCU?
    • Impact of COVID and concerns about the year ahead in relation to the proposed blended learning model.
    • What more you think could be done to help student carers or raise awareness of student carers generally?

If you would like to take part, please fill out this Consent Form and get in touch with us at

Student Carer Stories