You will find everything you need here to pay your tuition fees. If you are a self-funded student, meaning you are responsible for tuition fee payments yourself or with support from a relative or friend, you will find our early payment discount and payment plan options helpful.
You are responsible for ensuring that your fees are paid every year that you study with us. During Registration you will be asked how you intend to pay tuition fees for the session, including when you wish to set up a payment plan. After Registration an invoice will be loaded onto your Student Portal. This gives you the full breakdown of your tuition fees, any scholarship or discount applied and any payments made including deposits. The fastest and easiest way to pay your fees is online.
Download the University’s Credit Control and Debt Management Policy for full payment terms and conditions. Failure to adhere to the terms of any agreed payment plan may result in sanctions being applied to you.
Self-help resources
Make a payment
Online payment is the quickest and easiest way to pay your deposit, advanced payments, and tuition fees. If you choose to pay online you will receive a receipt instantly to inform you that payment has been made. For all other methods of payments, please check with your bank to see when the funds are transferred.
Pay online
GCU accepts all major credit and debit cards online.
Flywire GCU has partnered with Flywire to accept bank transfer payments from students. Flywire enables you to make payments easily and securely in your own currency using a variety of local payment methods, including online banking and bank transfers. The available payment methods depend on the country you are paying from. This is the preferred and quickest method of making a payment to the University.
Payment tracking updates are available throughout the process.
Flywire is accessed securely from within your Applicant/Student Portal, allowing students to log in and select which transactions they wish to pay. Payment for deposits, advances and invoices can be made via this method.
Payments can be tracked in real-time online, and via text alerts until the payment has reached GCU Flywire has a robust anti-money laundering program so you can feel confident in the security of your payment Flywire offers 24/7 multilingual customer support via email, phone or live chat Flywire is specially adapted to deal with personal identity requirements of making payments from China and India within its online systems. The steps below are for accessing Flywire.
Log in to the portal and select ‘My Finance’. Navigate to the Online Payments option and select the fees you wish to pay. You will be asked to select a payment method and whether you are paying in full or paying part of the invoice. Select Flywire from the drop-down and click Next. You will be redirected to the Flywire webpage where you will /be presented with the options available to you and the corresponding amounts due in local/other currencies. The available payments will depend on the country you are paying from and will be displayed. Once your payment has been set up in Flywire, to complete the process, please select the ‘Return to portal’ button. WPM payments for debit or credit card The University has an online payment facility for students provided for by WPM Education. Online payment is accessed securely from within your Applicant/Student Portal, allowing students to log in and select which transactions they wish to pay. Payment for deposits, advances and invoices can be made via this method.
The University does not charge transaction fees for credit and debit cards.
Payments for all other items should be made through the Online Store .
Early payment discounts
If your annual tuition fees are £5,000 or more, and you are a self-funded student, you may be eligible for an early payment discount of 5% off your tuition fees. This is available regardless of whether you are entering Years 1, 2, or 3 of your chosen course.
Self-funded students from Scotland, RUK or Europe As a self-funded student from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Europe, you must pay your tuition fees in full before the first day of teaching to qualify for the early payment discount each year.
Discounts are deducted from your tuition fee minus any scholarships awarded.
Tuition deposits for international and EU students
International and EU students (without pre-settled status), who are not studying via distance learning mode, are required to pay a £4,000 deposit for September 2024 entry. For January 2025 entry, students are required to pay a £6,000 deposit. This secures your place on your chosen course and also enables the university to issue your CAS statement, which is a crucial part of any visa application to study in Scotland .
If you hold a conditional and/or unconditional offer you can pay your deposit.
Deposits can be paid online. The quickest and easiest method is online
Pay your deposit by the dates below to ensure you have enough time to apply for any visa you should require.
Deposit deadlines for international applicants: Once a deposit payment has been made, our CAS Team will be in touch as soon as possible regarding your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). Please anticipate a maximum of four weeks for your CAS data Check from the date your deposit is confirmed on your portal. Please note that CAS processing for September start dates will not commence until the preceding April. Key application dates and deadlines can be found here.
Payment plans
Payment plans are available for self-funded students to help spread the cost of tuition fees over instalments.
September start (Trimester A): Flexible payment plan from October – May January start (Trimester B): Flexible payment plan from February – September June start (Trimester C): Flexible payment plan from June to January As a self-funded student from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Europe, you can pay your tuition fees in advance or set up the payment plan either during registration or on receipt of the invoice. Your invoice will be on your portal once you have registered.
As a self-funded international student, you can also pay your tuition fees in advance or set up a payment plan for the remaining balance of your tuition fees, minus the international deposit, either during registration or on receipt of the invoice. Your invoice will be on your portal once you have registered.
Download the University’s and Fees and Refund Policy for full payment terms and conditions. Failure to adhere to the terms of any agreed payment plan may result in sanctions being applied to you.
Funded payments
If SAAS, LEA, Library Board or another funding body is paying all or part of your fees, they will pay the University directly. However, you are still responsible for applying for funding for each academic year of study and are personally liable for your tuition fees. Please refer to the University’s Credit Control and Debt Management Policy for full information.
Scholarships and funding
We can help you find scholarships and funding packages that will help keep the costs of your study affordable.
Find out more