Development of Malawi Institute of Tourism

Malawi tourism: Inside a classroom

The first project was undertaken on behalf of the Scottish Government and is at the core of their internal capacity building development policy. It concerned the physical development of the Malawi Institute of Tourism, including Information Technology, Library, Teaching and Education resources.

Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries and tourism development offers one pathway to alleviate unemployment and generate wealth. The major national training organisation was the subject of this project wherein the Moffat Centre led on the upgrade and development of infrastructure.

The quality of learning resources were extremely poor and it was clearly evident that class rooms, information communications technology and learning resources would merit complete review.

Basic construction, roofing, floors, walls, electrics and security had to be upgraded before equipment could be installed.

The refurbishment included a new Library and Learning Resource Centre and two New Information Communication Libraries.

These were housed in newly constructed buildings with all services incorporated. These provide show case class rooms that have been transformed the learning experience with internet access and computer based learning. Lecturers are now able to utilise data projectors, Powerpoint, CD Roms and internet based learning techniques.

Professor Lennon also delivered a series of presentation around upselling, promoting Malawi and food safety.

The £249,500 award presented by Tourism and International Development Minister Patricia Ferguson MSP also included support towards staff training.

Up to eight full time members of staff will be qualified to Masters level and will have the knowledge and confidence to upgrade and develop the Malawi Institute of Tourism (MIT) syllabus and course portfolio.

The Masters International Tourism Enterprise was specifically designed to cater for Malawi and developing countries. Professors Lennon and Litteljohn delivered their first series of lectures in November to the students.

An update on this project is available here.