Research Ethics and Integrity Subcommittee
The Research Ethics and Integrity Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the University Research Committee.
Terms of reference
- To consider applications referred by School Ethics Committees for any proposed research (staff, postgraduate and undergraduate) involving human participants that is deemed to be non-routine, intrusive or any research that is likely to be ethically contentious.
- To oversee the GCU Research Integrity Action Plan and matters in relation to the Concordat to Support Research Integrity and any legislation or HE sector guidance which may have ethical implications for research undertaken in the University and to review and update University Guidance as required.
- To identify any training requirements for researchers identified in relation to research ethics and integrity and make recommendations on these requirements to the DARE Group and URC, as appropriate.
- To consider an annual report from School Ethics Committees, to include the numbers of proposals considered by School Ethics Committees and those submitted externally, and commentary on any specific ethical issues facing the School.
- To prepare an annual report on the Committee's operation for the University Research Committee (URC) and consider the initial draft of Research Integrity Annual Statement and Report for recommendation to the URC.
- Chair - appointed by University Research Committee
- Vice Chair - appointed by University Research Committee
- Chairs of the School Ethics Committees (or Research Area Ethics Leads, where applicable)
- University Research Integrity Champion Local Research Integrity Champions
- Assistant Head of Governance (Information Compliance)
- Director of Research and Innovation or nominee
- Director of the Graduate School or nominee
- Professional services staff with a role in research governance, ethics and integrity
- Two lay members
Dr Ben Parkinson (Chair - appointed by the URC)
Professor Gianna Cassidy (Vice Chair)
Yasmin Glover (RIO)
Hazel Lauder (Assistant Head of Governance - Information Governance)
Dr Phil Dalgarno (SHLS Ethics Committees Representative)
Dr Billy Hare (SCEBE Ethics Representative)
Professor Oonagh Walsh (GSBS Ethics Representative)
Dr Colin Milligan (Academic Development and Student Learning)
Lyndsay McDade (Research Integrity Champion - SHLS)
Dr Amy Cartwright - Graduate School
Alison Lockhart - Senior Research Administrator
Carolyn Anderson - SPS Manager (Research Administration)
Alexis Henderson - Research Administrator
Schools' Ethics Committee webpages
Computing, Engineering and Built Environment
Glasgow School for Business and Society
School of Health and Life Sciences