Exceptions Subcommittee

Terms of Reference

  1. To consider all proposed exceptions to University policy, procedures or regulations.
  2. To consider any issues referred by Programme Approval or Review Panels which, in the view of the Panel, constitute a deviation from the existing policies, procedures and regulations of the University.

Guidance Notes

  1. The Exceptions Committee is a sub-Committee of the Academic Policy and Practice Committee and submits an annual report on each session’s activity.
  2. The Committee will normally meet twice per academic session, and on additional occasions when required.
  3. All cases should have the approval of the Associate Dean LTQ from their School before submission.
  4. All cases should be submitted to the Secretary using a standard pro forma.
  5. Proposers of exceptions cases (or nominee) should attend committee meetings to present their papers, provide points of clarification, address queries and issues, and thereby aid the decision-making process.
  6. In instances where a programme(s) submits multiple exceptions, these should be combined on one pro forma and assigned one case number.


  • Chair – Chair of APPC
  • Vice Chair – Vice Chair of APPC
  • Academic Registrar
  • Two nominees from each Academic School, nominated by Dean
  • Secretary – Dept. Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Membership and Constituency Session 2022/23

Ex-officio Members

  • Professor Alastair Robertson (Chair), PVC Learning and Teaching (interim) and Chair of APPC
  • Mr Stephen Lopez (Vice Chair), Academic Registrar and Vice Chair of APPC
  • Mrs Karen Ward (Secretary), Dept. Quality Assurance and Enhancement

Nominated Members

  • Dr Lani Russell (GSBS)
  • Mrs Siobhan White (GSBS)
  • Dr Jim Paterson (SCEBE)
  • Mr Paul McKenna (SCEBE)
  • Dr Nichola McLarnon (SHLS)
  • Mr Jamie McDermott (SHLS)


The quorum is 50%, to include one representative per School (member or nominee).