Education Committee

Terms of Reference

To advise and make recommendations to Senate on matters of policy and practice in relation to:

  1. The promotion, implementation, monitoring and review of the University’s Strategy for Learning.
  2. The strategic development of the University’s portfolio in line with its mission.
  3. In relation to academic policy and practice, recruitment, widening participation, selection and admission of students on taught programmes of study.
  4. The monitoring and enhancement of the student experience for all GCU students and the strategic oversight of University action and policy and practice developments in response to student feedback.
  5. Quality assurance and enhancement in learning, teaching and assessment.
  6. The award of degrees, diplomas and certificates.
  7. Overseeing the implementation of enhancement strategies in relation to student performance and outcomes: progression, retention and attainment.
  8. Institutional research and development needs in relation to the Strategy for Learning and the student experience.
  9. Staff development necessary to support staff in the delivery of academic strategy.
  10. Regulations relating to the conduct of all taught (undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education) programmes.

* The Committee will have a Learning Enhancement Subcommittee to provide a forum for key stakeholders to consider, advise and make recommendations to the Education Committee (EC) relating to the enhancement of learning, teaching and the academic student experience at GCU.

**  The Committee has established an Assessment Regulations Subcommittee to oversee regulatory development and an Exceptions Subcommittee to examine cases for exception to current academic regulations.

Composition and Membership


Subcommittees of the Education Committee

Learning Enhancement Subcommittee

Exceptions Subcommittee

Assessment Regulations Subcommittee