Composition and Membership

Chair  (Principal or Nominee)

Professor S Decent

University Secretary & Vice Principal Governance

Ms J Hulme

Deputy Vice Chancellor

Professor M Mannion

The Vice Principal & Pro-Vice Chancellors:      

PVC Research - Professor A Nelson

PVC  Learning  and Teaching -  Professor A  Robertson

The Chief Operating Officer

Ms S Mitchell

Deans of School:

Glasgow School for Business and Society - Professor J Lennon

School of Health and Life Sciences - Professor A Simmers

School of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment - Professor C  Schaschke

Up to two lay governors appointed by and from the Court:

Chair of Court  - Mr R Woodward

Vice Chair of Court -  Ms M Lustman

Students’ Association

President of the Students’ Association  - Miss L Tareen

Elected Student Member - Mr K Chaudhry

Secretary:  Department of Governance and Legal Services Nominee

In attendance:

Director, GCU Foundation - Ms J Watt

Composition and Membership Approved October 2022
Updated January  2023