Ageing Well

Our vision

Empowering people to age well.

Our aim

To develop the evidence base to support people to age well across the life course.

Ageing well is conceptualised as functional ability, which is the interaction between individual capacity (physical, mental, psychological, social) and environment (physical, social, policy).

We focus on the realities of ageing, recognising that it is not an illness. Our work seeks to reduce limitations in the broadest sense, irrespective of health, conditions and co-morbidities.

We emphasise maximising potential, quality of life, participation and well-being, not just longevity.

Our pillars focus on:

1. Research using behavioural and lifestyle interventions to develop skills and assets across the life course
2. Research to understand and reduce the impact of ‘geriatric giants’
3. Developing approaches to measuring factors which impact on quality of life and participation.

We combine multiple disciplinary perspectives and multi-method expertise to answer research questions of importance in supporting individuals and communities to age well.

Current research programmes and projects are detailed under each of the hub pages.

Contact information

Research Group Leads

The Ageing Well research group is led jointly by Professor Dawn Skelton and Professor Suzanne Hagen along with deputy lead Dr Joanna McParland:

Professor Dawn Skelton


Professor Suzanne Hagen

Email: ‌‌‌

Dr Joanna McParland


Our research

Latest news

Pelvic organ prolapse

New research finds self-management of a pessary used to treat pelvic organ prolapse could benefit thousands of women and save NHS money

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European consensus statement

Vascular disease expert Dr Chris Seenan contributed to a new European consensus statement on caring for people with peripheral arterial disease

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PhD opportunities

Find PhD opportunities at The School of Health and Life Sciences.

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Patient and public involvement

Find out more about patient and public involvement in our research.

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Welcome to the Research Centre for Health (ReaCH) newsletter highlighting the latest research from the School of Health and Life Sciences at GCU.

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We are focused on enhancing the lives of people with long-term health conditions, developing and evaluating public health and lifestyle interventions.

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