Project title: The development of measurement systems for investigating hydrocarbon/air explosions
In the world today the combustion of fossil fuels is by far the greatest source of energy in meeting energy demands. With growing increase in demand for energy, great emphasis is now placed on alternative sources of fuels other than fossil fuels. Other alternative sources like wind, solar and the use of hydrocarbon gas is of significant interest because it offers environment friendly energy in comparison with fossil fuels. This research looks at hydrocarbon gas with focus on the safety concerns and dangers associated with this highly-flammable gas. The main purpose of this research is to develop, design and implement a measurement system for the study of hydrocarbon-air combustion. The proposed measurement system a Multiple Ionisation Probe (MIP) alongside a high-speed camera with LabVIEW software will be used in this experimental study to study the dynamics of a premixed hydrocarbon-air explosion in opened and closed end combustion tube vessel. The expected outcome of this research is contribution of knowledge towards prevention of hydrocarbon gas explosions.