A profile picture of Slobodan Mickovski, a Professor in Civil Engineering and Environmental Management at GCU.

Professor Slobodan B Mickovski


Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Management

Professor Mickovski is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Management at Glasgow Caledonian University. Slobodan completed an MSc in Environmental Sciences and Policy before carrying out research on the anchorage mechanics of different types of root systems and completing a PhD at the University of Manchester.

He worked as a research engineer at INRA/LRBB in Bordeaux, France before moving to University of Dundee as a research fellow. After this, he gained an extensive experience as a geotechnical engineering through a number of years working as a designer and consultant in sectors including highways, rail, flood defence, marine, residential and industrial developments, erosion protection, agriculture, landscaping, and forestry. Design and construction experience includes ground investigation, shallow and deep  foundations including piled foundations, retaining structures, ground anchorages, ground improvement, tunneling, deep excavations, earthworks, slope stability and stabilisation, and ground bio- and eco-engineering solutions. He procured and managed a number of construction projects of different sizes and also mentored junior engineers working towards professional qualification before joining the School in 2012.

Current research interests include slope stabilisation and erosion control using vegetation, green roofs, infrastructure monitoring and management, and sustainable geotechnics. He actively collaborates with UK and international partners in France, Brazil, China, Canada, Austria and Spain, delivers keynote lectures and presentations at international conferences, and publishes in high impact journals.