Mulholland, Rachel Photo

Rachel Mulholland

Senior Lecturer

Department of Psychology

Rachel completed her Psychology studies at QUB obtaining a BPS award for her dissertation and a European scholarship award to complete her MSc Occupational Psychology.

Prior to joining GCU, Rachel worked in the university, public and private sectors (for example, Employment Service and Institute of Occupational Medicine/IOM Consulting). Rachel has considerable experience working in multi-disciplinary teams developing and delivering: academic and training courses; consultancy interventions; large-scale research projects (for example, workplace stress; international leadership and entrepreneurship development; programme evaluation, and work design).

She was consulted by the HSE as part of the development of their Management Standards on Occupational Stress and this continues to be an area of interest (for example, courses on the management of stress; supervised undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations in workplace stress).

Employability is another key research and practice interest as evidenced in the Aiming University at Work (AUL@W) project which investigated the employability of non-vocational students across three Scottish Universities.  Rachel and her AUL@ W colleagues have disseminated key findings via reports, conference papers and inputs into key texts on employability.

Rachel’s research and practice interests are in work and organisational psychology issues (for example, human factors; leadership; attitudes towards work; teamwork; communication; safety culture and work design).

She has helped develop courses and modules from Professional Doctorate to first-year undergraduate levels at Glasgow Caledonian and other universities and acts as External Examiner. Rachel has held a variety of committee positions in the BPS and was a founding member of the Division of Occupational Psychology in Scotland.