Professor Nancy Lombard

Professor in Sociology and Social Policy

Department of Social Sciences

Professor Nancy Lombard’s research provides an original and important contribution to the understanding of a global issue and has a demonstrable impact. She is a recognised authority on the analysis of children’s understanding of violence against women, and her research has been significant having been used as an evidence base for the priority of the Government’s prevention strategy.

Professor Lombard’s research also underpins the Gender Friendly Nursery Awards offered by the NHS which is currently being piloted in schools. She used her success in obtaining a Beltane Honorary Fellowship to develop a citywide gender awareness training programme for primary schools which is supported by Education Scotland.

Professor Lombard’s expertise and excellence in violence against women research is recognised at an international level with invitations to speak nationally and internationally, including keynotes at the United Nations, New York, the 14th Annual UNESCO conference on eliminating violence against women and girls, and at the British Council in Dubai.

Professor Lombard sits on the Scottish Government Working Group for Education and GBV and she is an Associate Director at the Centre for Research in Families and Relationships, a founding member and Coordinator of the Gender Based Violence Research Network (GBVRN); and a member of the Scottish Parliament Cross-Party Group on Violence Against Women.

She is an advisory board member of the Journal of Gender-Based Violence and an editorial board member of Violence Against Women. Previously she was a member of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Board on Equally Safe and was a Core Expert with the European Network of Experts on Gender Equality (European Commission).

More recently she has completed work funded by the Scottish Government exploring women’s experiences of the criminal justice system when reporting domestic abuse and stalking. She is currently co-leading a large Horizon project across nine countries in Europe looking at Innovative Solutions to Eliminate Domestic Abuse as well as providing a review of survivors’ experiences of the sentencing of domestic offenders for the Scottish Sentencing Council.

Professor Lombard leads the multi-disciplinary Gender Research and Equalities Network  (GREeN) group and co-leads GAF (Gender Equality Forum) across the university. She is also a member of the University Ethics Committee.