Deepti KC

PhD student

Deepti KC is currently a first-year PhD student working under the supervision of Dr. Valerie Ness, Prof. Kay Currie, and Dr. Jan Smith in the School of Health and Life Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University. She holds a Master's degree in Adult Nursing (2017-2019) and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2010-2014) from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has had experience as a Hospital Nurse Incharge (2015-2017) and Nurse Lecturer (2019-2021). The working title of her thesis is "Learning from COVID-19 in practice to enhance IPC learning for the future." She currently wants to use situational awareness and, or behavior theories to investigate the IPC lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing practice by listening to nurses' experiences. Her interest in infectious disease research stems from her professional experience, studies, and teaching in the field. Her research project is a part of the research activity of the Safeguarding Health through Infection Prevention (SHIP) research group.