A profile picture of Claudine Wallace, a Lecturer in Vision Sciences at GCU.

Claudine Wallace

Senior Lecturer/Programme Lead Orthoptics BSc (Hons)

Department of Vision Sciences

Claudine Wallace is a Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for BSc (Hons) Orthoptics. She joined the Vision Sciences Department in 2015 as a Lecturer and became a Senior Lecturer in April 2023. Her extensive clinical career and passion for practice-based learning has ensured that all orthoptic students receive the highest quality clinical placement experiences throughout the UK.

As Scottish Education Representative for the British and Irish Orthoptic Society, she works closely with the other three universities delivering orthoptic undergraduate and postgraduate education. She regularly presents at national meetings and Orthoptic Clinical Forums.

Claudine teaches across all four programmes in the Vision Science Suite. She is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and holds the Post Graduate CPD Certificate in using Exemptions to Administer and Supply Medicines by Orthoptists.