Christos Gialtouridis

Lecturer in Accountancy

Department of Finance, Accounting, and Risk

Christos joined Glasgow Caledonian University as a Lecturer in Accounting in September 2021. He is soon completing his PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Strathclyde. Additionally, he holds a PgCert in Research Methodology in Business and Management, an MSc in International Accounting and Finance and a BSc in Business Administration. Christos is currently teaching Financial Management for Global Decision Makers, HRM in International Contexts, and Ethics and Responsible Leadership.

His research interests are in the area of accounting and accounting practices, competition, ESG, Financial Technology and Corporate Finance. His work targets high quality peer reviewed journals such as the Journal of Corporate Finance, British Accounting Review and Journal of Business Ethics. Christos is also actively engaging in conferences in his field such as European Financial Management Association.

Christos has experience in teaching various Accounting, Finance and Business courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and is supervising student dissertations.