A profile picture of Alejandro Ollauri, Research Fellow in Civil Engineering and Environmental Management at GCU.

Alejandro Ollauri

Research Fellow

Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Management

Dr Alejandro Ollauri is a Research Fellow in the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Management.

Alejandro's research interests focus on plant-soil-atmosphere interactions, soil bioengineering, Nature-based Solutions against natural hazards, and the development of simple numerical tools to answer complex environmental questions.

Alejandro obtained a BSc in Environmental Science with Honours at the University of Salamanca, Spain, in 2006. He then secured an RA position to work in a project looking at the sustainable nutrition of tree crops within the Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research. While working as RA, he obtained a 1st Class, BEng in Agricultural Engineering in 2010. Alejandro was then granted a scholarship to undertake an Erasmus Mundus MSc in Applied Ecology. Moving between the universities of Poitiers (France), East Anglia (UK), Coimbra (Portugal), and Kiel (Germany), Alejandro became a resourceful researcher. In 2013, he was awarded with a PhD studentship at GCU, where he has been working since on the mitigation of natural hazards, such as landslides or soil pollution, using vegetation.

He currently holds a Research Fellow position at the BEAM Research Centre, teaches GIS to MSc students, demonstrates in Soil Mechanics to BEng students, collaborates in several international research projects, and enjoys reviewing and editing for high-rank scientific journals.