Henry Simmons

To kick off our 2023/24 series, we are delighted to welcome GCU graduate and honorary graduate, Dr Henry Simmons, Chief Executive of Alzheimer Scotland, who joined us on Thursday 21 September 2023, World Alzheimer’s Day.

Henry joined Alzheimer Scotland as Chief Executive in August 2008. He has thirty five years’ experience in the health and social care sector, and has spent the majority of his career in the voluntary sector, primarily involved in developing new community-based person-centred services, leading significant campaigns and influencing system redesign and transformation. Henry has worked in both the learning disability and mental health fields.

Over the past fifteen years, Henry has been dedicated to the field of dementia, seeking to improve the rights and opportunities for people living with dementia and their carers in Scotland and beyond. He has been closely involved in the development of new approaches in practice, education, research and policy, as well as leading a national charity that provides direct support to people throughout Scotland and aims to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. Recent work includes setting up a world leading dementia prevention initiative with Professor Craig Ritchie, Brain Health Scotland. This work is at the forefront of a transformation in our understanding and treatment of dementia prevention and brain health.

Join us to hear about Henry’s exceptional career journey as well as insights into the recent progress that is being made to enhance the lives of those living with dementia and their families and carers across Scotland and the hope that recent developments in research and prevention bring for future generations.

Dr Henry Simmons, CE, Alzheimer Scotland

An insight for people living with dementia and the hope that recent developments in research and prevention bring for future generations.