Professor Stephen A. Webb

Social Work Research Group Lead

Department of Social Work

Stephen A Webb is Professor of Social Work at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. In 2018 Professor Webb was awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences, (FAcSS).

Professor Webb previously worked as Research Professor at University of Newcastle, Australia and University of Sussex, UK.

Stephen is author of Social Work in a Risk Society (2006, Palgrave), and co-author/editor of The New Politics of Social Work, (2013, Palgrave); Evidence-based Social Work: A Critical Stance (2009, Routledge); Ethics and Value Perspectives in Social Work (2010, Palgrave); Social Work Theories and Methods (2012, Sage, second edition, translated into Korean and Polish); The SAGE Handbook of Social Work; (2012, Sage); the major international reference work International Social Work (2010, 4 Volumes, Sage); and Information and Communication Technology in the Welfare Services (2003, Jessica Kingsley Publishers).

He recently edited two major international reference works on critical social work the Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work and the Routledge Handbook of International Critical Social Work.

His interdisciplinary research focuses on biopolitics, social and political theory applied to social work and the making of publics and material issues. He is ranked in the top 2% of the World’s Scientists in the field of social sciences (Stanford University, October 23rd, 2023).