Ronnie Caddow

‌Lecturer in Employee Relations/HRM

Glasgow School for Business and Society; Department of People and Organisations

Ronnie Caddow has been a visiting Lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian since 2002 and was appointed to a full-time position in October 2007.

He is currently leads the MSc HRM (full time) CIPD/SHRM/CMI aligned programme and is  module leader for the Managing Employee Relations and HRM in Organisational Contexts modules.

A chartered fellow of the CIPD and the HEA, he previously worked for the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) as a conciliator and advisor and was extensively involved in dispute resolution and advising organisations on good employment relations practice.

Ronnie is currently developing research in workplace mediation and regularly appears as a guest speaker at key HR conferences and events. He also delivers training to HR staff in areas such as discipline, grievance and employee voice.

He is a visiting lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University, an external examiner at Manchester Metropolitan University and a number of his employee relations case studies are currently published by the CIPD.

He has recently completed a KTP project developing an online mediation platform with an external partner.