Dr Evelyn McElhinney MSc

Lecturer Adult Nursing, Programme Lead MSc. Nursing: Advanced

Department of Nursing and Community Health

Evelyn is a Senior Lecturer in Advanced Practice, and is the Programme Lead for the MSc Nursing: Advancing Professional Practice. She has a PhD, MSc, BSc specialist practitioner, PgC Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, is a registered teacher and a Fellow of the HE Academy. She has published on advanced practice and other areas in peer reviewed journals and presented her research at national and international conference. She has an interest in Health literacy, digital health and emerging technology for health, her PhD was completed in 2015 in a 3D Social Virtual world and is entitled – Living in 3D Social Virtual Worlds and the Influence of Health Literacy, Health Behaviour and Wellbeing. Evelyn is on the committee of the International Union of Health Promotion and Education Health Literacy working group, Health Literacy UK, and the Association of Advanced Practice Educators.