PhD in Climate Justice

Our current PhD candidates are doing research into a range of climate justice topics:

  • Strengthening rural coastal communities in Ghana through climate justice
  • Incorporating local climate justice into climate modelling in Nigeria
  • Investigating the interlinkages between climate change and natural resource management in Northern Ghana through a climate justice lens
  • An investigation into socio-environmental challenges and proliferation of informal settlements in Zambia from a climate justice perceptive
  • Exploring the crises of environmental refugees in Nigeria using a climate justice framework
  • Climate Just Transition for the Glasgow city region
  • Small scale renewable energy for the poorest communities in Malawi – the effects of gender inequality on access to energy
  • Safe water provision through community participation: testing the efficacy of a new integrative community engagement model
  • Sustainable water treatment technology using bio-char
  • An examination of food waste management within urban sustainability in Abuja, Nigeria
  • Interrelationships between water, innovation, climate change and climate justice: developing a conceptual framework using village water as a case study

Our academic team have a wide range of expertise and provide high quality, expert supervision in a world-class research environment. To find out more about doctoral options please contact us.