Professor Natascha Radclyffe Thomas

Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas


GCU London

Professor Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas EdD FRSA joined Glasgow Caledonian University London as Professsor in Marketing and Sustainable Business in 2019. Natascha is a researcher, Senior Fellow of the HEA and National Teaching Fellow with a background in luxury fashion and intercultural creative education. Her research focuses on sustainable fashion and conscious consumption including cultural heritage, social enterprise and the intersection of sustainable fashion practices and wellbeing. Natascha was Principal Investigator on the research project ‘“Wow! I did this!” Making Meaning through Craft: Disrupting the Craft Canon’ that developed a Living Lab methodology to measure the cultural value and wellbeing attached to craft by racially minoritised communities.

Natascha is the co-author of Fashion Management: A Strategic Approach and is an award-winning case study author, has contributed to reports published by the United Nations Global Compact UK and published in journals including the Journal of Fashion Marketing Management, Clothing Cultures, and Psychology Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts. She is Editor-in-Chief for Bloomsbury Fashion Business Case Studies and Associate Editor for the International Journal of Sustainable Fashion and Textiles. Natascha leads post-graduate Modules on Sustainable Luxury and Circular Fashion Systems at the British School of Fashion, GCU London.

Natascha is an expert in sustainable and ethical fashion and education for sustainable development and was named in The SustainabilityX® Magazine’s inaugural Global 50 Women In Sustainability Awards™. She is Vice Chair of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education UK and Ireland Chapter as well as a member of the UN PRME Global Expert Pedagogy Group. Natascha is Vice Chair of the Costume Society and is regularly invited as a keynote speaker and panellist and contributes to media pieces on fashion business, culture and sustainability for the BBC and NPR.